Posts about Technical
How we built Asana’s Marketing Measurement Capab…
Jan 20, 2022
Growing a customer base at scale effectively and efficiently through paid advertising is challenging in the modern digital world. It requires robust…Validate your iOS and Android translations with Lo…
Sep 15, 2021
When mobile apps need to ship in multiple languages, the developer often hires a contractor or external service to translate all the strings. The…How Asana uses Asana: Security incident response
Sep 10, 2021
Typically, security teams coordinate security incident response with a few tools, such as text chat, video chat, collaborative documents, and so on.…Using Envoy to route internal requests
Aug 20, 2021
When Asana users interact with the web app, their browser makes requests to Asana’s backend servers to get the data the user needs. But plenty of…How Asana uses Asana to manage code reviews
Aug 09, 2021
One of the best parts of working for Asana is working in Asana. Asana teams and employees are fully bought into the Asana product, and nearly…How our Security team solved a Central InfoSec CTF…
Jul 01, 2021
Asana takes security seriously, and our Security team also knows how to have fun. When we shifted to working remotely during the pandemic, we wanted…How we scaled a key data pipeline with a people-fi…
May 11, 2021
The Data Empowerment team at Asana generates business-critical data that we use to empower many cross-functional stakeholders. Our team's mission is…