Ready, set, blast off: why teamwork is key to a su… May 12, 2016 For product managers, pulling off a big product (re)launch is a lot like conducting an orchestra. Both product managers and conductors alike are…
Be here now: what two days of leadership training … Apr 21, 2016 When my teammate Vivek Sri and I first heard that every employee at Asana goes through leadership training, we were sure we were in for slide…
6 lessons about leadership and teamwork from child… Apr 08, 2016 Although we strive to eliminate work about work, we’re huge fans of reading (and writing) about work, especially leadership and teamwork. From…
Resilience: the key to reducing stress at work Apr 01, 2016 Whether you’re overloaded with assignments, or you’re not getting along with your teammates, stress at work is a fact of life. According to a…
What’s your working style? Mar 25, 2016 Take a quick look at this picture. What do you see? Is it a young woman looking away? Or the profile of an old lady? (The answer is: both.) Much like…
Conquering the internal transfer Mar 11, 2016 It’s your first day at a new job. You’re both excited and nervous and looking forward to all the unknown adventures that await you. But this…
Celebrating International Women’s Day Mar 08, 2016 Today we’re excited to celebrate International Women’s Day, at Asana. From our headquarters in San Francisco to our offices in New York and…
The dos and don'ts of giving creative feedback Feb 25, 2016 “Can you dial up the punchiness?” “Make all the buttons bigger.” “Why don’t we jazz things up a bit?” Ask any designer or…
Think inside the box for more effective brainstorm… Feb 23, 2016 Think back to the last brainstorm meeting you attended. Perhaps you scheduled it to tap into the collective creativity of your team—with high hopes…