Asana's corporate jargon cheat sheet Jun 16, 2016 The philosopher Étienne Bonnot de Condillac observed in 1782 that "every science requires a special language because every science has its own…
What only managers can do to keep employees engage… May 20, 2016 Prior to the industrial revolution, "work" was an activity that took place in fields and farmhouses. Then automated production moved an entire…
Be here now: what two days of leadership training … Apr 21, 2016 When my teammate Vivek Sri and I first heard that every employee at Asana goes through leadership training, we were sure we were in for slide…
New celebrations: Meet the yeti Mar 24, 2016 After years of flying solo, our unicorn is getting some teammates. This week, we are launching three new celebrations to give you and your team the…
New celebrations: Meet the phoenix Mar 23, 2016 After years of flying solo, our unicorn is getting some teammates. This week, we are launching three new celebrations to give you and your team the…
New celebrations: Meet the narwhal Mar 22, 2016 After years of flying solo, our unicorn is getting some new teammates. This week, we are launching three new celebrations to give you and your team…
Celebrations revamped: Meet the unicorn's new team Mar 21, 2016 After years of flying solo, our unicorn is getting some new friends. This week, we are launching three new celebrations to give you and your team…
Why learning at work starts with psychological saf… Mar 16, 2016 "This is going to be awkward." The first time I was assigned a Peer Review task, I panicked. At Asana, peer review means scheduling sessions with…
Five podcasts to help you get the most out of work Mar 02, 2016 At workplaces everywhere, the fodder of water cooler chats is increasingly, podcasts. According to Edison Research, 46 million Americans listen to…