Advice to engineering new grads: Don't start your … Jul 21, 2017 "If I had started my career at a company like Asana, instead of a 13-person startup, I believe my growth would have been a lot steeper than it was…
Developer environment: Achieving reliability by ma… Jul 06, 2017 We all know that engineers are most productive when they can fully customize their developer environment, but all too often, customization means…
Asana server deployment: A pragmatic approach to m… Jun 15, 2017 When we—the Stability team—talk about our jobs, we spend a lot of time discussing “setting things on fire.” Our job is to keep Asana up no…
Asana outage on Tuesday, May 16 May 24, 2017 On Tuesday, May 16, Asana was down for approximately 30 minutes and partially available for…
Testing in production: Rewriting APIs with dark cl… May 17, 2017 Over the last few years, performance has been a major objective at Asana. Many of our engineering teams are committed to building a faster Asana…
Details on the January 9 Asana outage Jan 25, 2017 Asana experienced just under three hours of partial downtime on Monday, January 9, starting…
Color your productivity: Asana now adjusts for col… Jan 17, 2017 According to the National Eye Institute, up to 8% of men and 0.5% of women have some degree of color blindness. That means that in a group of…
7 ways to uplevel your code review skills Dec 20, 2016 Becoming a good code reviewer doesn’t come easy, even after almost seven years of writing code. When I joined Asana four months ago, I realized I…
Meet the NYC Asana Team Dec 08, 2016 A look back on our first year and a sneak peek of what’s to come. …