Ready, set, blast off: why teamwork is key to a su… May 12, 2016 For product managers, pulling off a big product (re)launch is a lot like conducting an orchestra. Both product managers and conductors alike are…
Polish Week: adding some shine to product features Sep 08, 2014 What started back in 2012 as a way to ‘polish’ our app has become a company tradition, and…
Asana comes to Internet Explorer Oct 16, 2013 Asana is the place for teamwork. We reduce your team’s frustration with email overload and the friction of trying to keep everyone on the same page…
Asana got polished again Oct 02, 2013 Another productive Polish Week at Asana has come and gone! Every few months, we dedicate a week to “polishing” our product, improving features,…
New features from Polish Week Jun 11, 2013 Asana just wrapped up another Polish Week. This is a week we dedicate during each episode solely to improving features and fixing bugs. Polish Week…
The task pane, redesigned Apr 02, 2013 Asana's task pane is where you go to manage the details of your tasks, and it is where most of…
Push notifications in our iPhone app Mar 04, 2013 Today, we have released an update to our iPhone app. The new version should be rolling out to…
A product manager's perspective on product polish Nov 08, 2012 Last week, we wrote about Polish Week at Asana from the perspective of the changes we made to…
Polish Week Oct 31, 2012 One week before our public launch last November, we knew we had only a few days left before a…